Finding me

Finding me
Worship should be an every day act, Living ou the Word of God

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

True fatherhood

Father is vital to the growth of our society. What I will be speaking on is one of the most influencial people in my life, my father Deroy Matthews.

 My dad is brilliant. What is so amazing about my dad is that he has this ability to tap into the holy spirit within him helping him with the decisions that he makes. These days the connection that I have with my dad is on another level because we just have this bond. When you have a man that you know submits his mind to the works of the holy spirit even if bills are not being payed and problems are arising every where that you turn and yet still he can give glroy to God you just feel safe. What is nice about being my father's first son is that I can sit down and watch my father go through the growth process of being a man and loving his wife. Coinsidently, my life is modeled after a man that is an actor. I see my father every day, he lives in me and I

My father's desire to share the Love of God to his children is so spiritually encouraging. They key of following Christ is have a personal relationship with him. This is what continues to change my life. In my fathers growing process I am pleased to say that I am growing with him. I know that there are times that my father has to make some serious dissisions for his family which is his life. What is serious about being a man is knowing that you are the head of the home.

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