Finding me

Finding me
Worship should be an every day act, Living ou the Word of God

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Why I worship The King of Love

People wonder why I get so excited for Christ. Why do I yell to somebody I do not see? Why do I jump around like I am crazy? Why do I give away my money to the church? Why do I sing to him and put all of my energy into glorifying his name. This is because that is what I was created to do and what I will be doing for ever. This is the reason of life, you are can be considered crazy, wise, stupid, a fool or what ever by man to believe that we were created for worship. But I have let go of the pride of life in order to commit myself to what my purpose on this earth is.

This is to worship Christ in the midst of my imperfection. I will let know one convince me other wise so I guess you can call me stubborn. But if you call me stubborn call me stubborn for Christ. If you cal me a rebel, I a rebel against the wrong mindset and motive, If you say that I am a hater yes I am a hater because I hate evil therefore I hate what God hates. I love everyone, but I Hate the evil even within my self. You can call me insane it doesn’t bother me they called my King a Blasphemer. So who is really crazy?

Listen I don't live for Him to worship the opinion of man. I do not live for Him scared of Hell. I do not live my Lord because I think I am perfect. I live for him because I love him. I glorify him because he loves me. I am his prodigal son and he calls back his lost sheep. He wants you to come back to him because he never wanted you to have to experience evil.

The King of Love gives us the choice to obey or disobey to submit or not. But by giving us choice and him being all knowing he knows that some choose evil. People are actually choosing to go to hell because they can't accept the fact that they have been created to worship God.

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