Finding me

Finding me
Worship should be an every day act, Living ou the Word of God

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Got me Locked up

With every moment spent here my heart grows stronger,
My conscious says that this instance shouldn't last much longer,
My confidants lies in the hands of the prince,
The prince of Peace gives me a peace of mind that makes all anxiousness still,
The war in my mind is designed to either destroy me or make me a better man,

 I understand that all things work together for good in those that are called according to his plan,
so every time I fall I will stand but not stand for foolishness,
You've brought me to the realisation that I have a self destructive tolerance,
The stress of my parents mixed with blended nonsense,
My mind was bottling up my rage and frustration,
I needed a spiritual operation,
not just verbal communication but a true submission to the will of Christ,
You brought the true me to life,
as I've said my potential is like the fizz stored up in a pop bottle,
God's my Charley we are his angels coming full throttle,
their is no I in team but there is an I in pain,
The pain that I go through everyday having to sugar coat the name that is above every other name,
I will make His name famous above any other,
If that means tearing down an arrogant brother,
Or putting in place a childish mother,
I will do what he has called me to,
Some say the truth shall set me free,
I went back home and just spoke truth,
 But I wrestle not against flesh and blood,
but against powers and principalities,
That is why my Love is stronger than most,
because my love is unbreakable because I learn from the holy ghost,
So no matter the weapon formed against me I will always forgive,
no matter the judgement or how offensive,
I will always defend truth and the cross,
For I am just an employee,
Christ is my Boss,


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