Finding me

Finding me
Worship should be an every day act, Living ou the Word of God

Friday, December 24, 2010

Destroying Pride

Secrets on the inside,
Secrets bruning beneath my handsome features,
Knowlegde of self that makes me want to cry,
Makes me want to run away and hide.
Mind set wondering if you can detect,
what it is that I am holding behind my eyes,
Something that if told to a parent,
There would be a meeting between a palm and backside,
because a parently parents sometimes see
the reality of a child's lies
And so one thing that I personaly have to do is swallow my pride,
Becuase lies only choke the life out of any natural thought cycle,
My inner psychy is bound to spiral,
My mind will be ignorant to the cup being half full,
Becuase pride makes any young man unstable.
That is why it's not I but God that is Able. 

Monday, December 13, 2010

My future

It's hard to sleep when you understand that you have the potential to provide beds for millions of sleepless children around the world. It's hard to eat when you start focusing on how many mouths you want to feed around Canada. It's hard to focus on one task,when there is just so many tasks that need to be accomplished. It's hard to hold unto a vision, when everyone around you thinks your are walking around with your eyes closed. It's hard to do anything that takes away from what your purpose in life is. What has been constantly racing through my mind is how fast life goes by. Just hte other day I was playing with cars and now I am looking ofr a vehicle that will drive me towards my destiny. Wheather I have to start by playing on the streets, I will spread the message that is on my heart. 

I was born into this world on a bad doctors message. As a child that is not supposed ot be hear I have a mandate. I am called to do great and wonderfull things in this world thorugh the talents that God has blessed me with. I have made piece with this in my heart because their are many who don't think that they have purpose. You have purpose and destiny you just have to grab a firm hold of it understanding God and you you are in him. I have found that in God I am royalty, I am blessed beyond mesure, I am beautifully and wonderfully made, I am a treasure that will shine throught eternaty I am a son in the body of Christ.

Am I a Genius ( intro )

" The definition of a genuis lies in the willingingness to release potential" Nathanial Matthews

I often ponder the genuises of yesterday. People like Albert Einstein and Martin luther King J.r followed even By Michael Jackson. I sit and I think about the fact that there were times were Mr. King espicially would probably have to argue with his friends about his dream. How he had to argue with his own race. Was his dream of equality worth all of the death?

See death in the natural can potetially kill any man's dream. When I physically see things deing in my life just becuase I am stubborn about what I belueve God is doing in my life it brings tears to my heart. I mean who am I to speak what I feel and tell everyone what is on my mind. The problem with my dreams and my analysis is that I am indeed a genuis.

Friday, December 10, 2010

My Semi- experience

" What is done is your choice, just make sure that you have  an understanding to why you are doing it"       Nathanial matthews

As an an all around artist I was curious to explore the hype put towards the school dance at FMSS. As a chritian I already kne that people were going to be scepticle of me even being there. The truth of the mattor was I was not their to partake in any of the dancing at all. I was observing. I was testing myslef as a young man of standered. As a Gentle man will I allow this music to distract me of my morals and my sanity. What was interesting was many were confused as to why I would be at the dance not dancing. I simply respond, " I choose not to."

I find that a lot of Christians just don't want any part of a dance because it is just not for them. This makes perfect sense because I was listen to the Dj's song selection and I heard only one pertaining to being blessed of which he played for around 15 seconds.

So there I was, right in the middle of it all. challenging this hole idea of music controlling me. What I began to realise is that when you set up a line for yourself and tell your slef not to cross it you must now become stuborn to yuor decision. Hence, people continuosly asked me to dance and have a gud time, well if I heard a song that maybe I knew or I could dance to I probably would throw down.

I think the greatest part of the night was singing to the audience a couple of simple words. " Where are my gentle men" and I just complimented a couple young woman int the croud. To conclude everything that I do is for the good of the lord that I serve. THe True King of Love and Glory and so I will not be moved despight my surroundings. Amen.    

Lean On Me

I lean on Christ. I can not only depend on something as inperfect as myslef.

Winans - The Question Is

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

School Time

What I begin to notice in the final stages of my high school carreer is the change of focus. I have definatly become much more focused on changing my view and perpective on scholastic events. The truth about school is that it is indeed a system. Like all systems, there willl be some flaus. The concept of teacher and student to parent and child.

A select few of teachers have an intence pressure to due what is necassary to mold a child. Evidently the contrast between a good teacher and a bad teacher is found in the relationship built to select students. Regretably this causes a melody of negative factors. A child is labeled a teacher's pet, when really the child just has a good relationship with his or her teacher.

To be continued

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Give me a clean heart-Fred Hammond

A Matthews Love

I have been born into a new standerd of Love in my Family.
I'm going to show you what it means to have a Matthews Love.

A Matthews love is pure. A Matthews Man makes mistakes. We try to be true to our principles and line up with the heavenly father that we serve. When we look at a woman  we see the shear beauty of her heart. We are not distracted by looks or what the Media Portrays. I know that I have been trained to listen to not just the words of a woman. But the heart beat behind the woman.

When a Matthews man Loves he loves hard. So hard that he is not afraid to change some of his principles for the bigger picture. We see the bigger picture. We have the ability to look into the future and submit to what our father is telling us. Even when we are wrong eventually we find what is truly right and stand for that righteousness. We aren't attracted to lascivious, but we have identified the brokenness of a woman and have learn to become selfless. If I though that I was to much of a church boy to slip I would be self righteous. Which is spiritually selfish.

The reality is that I have to daily fight my flesh to be a better example to my brother Jeremiah Matthews. My calling is on a greater level then that of my fathers and the chain continues with My little brother. Every generation needs to be stronger and stronger. So the love of God needs to flow strong into the hearts of every Matthews man so that we become great leaders of our house holds.

" train up a child in the way that he should go" like Fletcher's says we are all arrows and our parents shoot us into our unlimited potential. I'm just waiting for one word.


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sterio typed

What I find intresting about being me is that my perspective is one that is very intresting. One could say that I am postively bias towards everything that I do. This pertains to how I act. I have made up in my mind that everything that I do will hopefully eventually be seen as an act of love. It has been pressed into my brain to be a nice person. To try my best not to lie. To greet and treet people with respect. To make peace where neccassary.

Sadly in this day an age you will hear an occassional put down. Your so ugly dog! You smell! Your moma loves me dog! Things that push each other to mental instablities that eventually become just the norm. My attemps to reach out and make a difference in my every day is to just have a randome act of kindess. This may be just speaking somthing positive into someone life. I try my best to just show people how easy it is to
completment and to love on each other.

I really am tired of sexuall immorality. I am sick and tired of seeing people do wronge. In my attempts to try and make a difference their will always be people that don't agree with me. So I'm am steriotyped. When people are around me they tell me "oh ya I went to church." They call me "church boy" which is quit intresting because that label isn't really a bad label to have.

To close I feel that kids today are to afraid to get the wronge label and be the minority. I have been so alone and independant throughout my life that it has become confortable to be socially rejeceted at times. I just want people to understand that I don't need a click or a group of people to define me. I let my postive actions and my love for others  define me.

I live for the King of love so I desire to my alienated by the negative part of society.

My inner Man

Behind this smile
Behind the innocence of a child
Lies a Man of great destiny
I'm my father's protegee
I follow what he imparted in me
I borrow the positive images that he shows me
Even some of his bad habits accidentally,
But now that I'm on my feet,
My mind took a faith leap,
I realise my life is priceless,
it ain't cheap,
I'm among the elite,
that go against the grain
And hunt for real meat
And not for fake stake,
because my Medium is rare
I get to Get to God through the Son,
The Son's death cause a solar flare,
The evil in side me is scared,
Because the Inner man wakes, 
With the power of a lion a tiger and a bear,
I don't love all because I'm weird,
I love all because I care.

fighting battles

Every day is a battle. A wise woman once said " the fact that I have battles reminds me that I am alive." This means that we will have trials and tribulations until we die. The question should not be how to avoid the battles. The perspective that you should have is going through this battle how do I respond? Should I overreact? should I stress out? Many people stress out because they do not know how to go through something.

Every trial and turbulence that comes your way is a test of character. The next time you are driving think before you speak. It takes more energy to become stressed and over think and analyse problems. Just rest and know that their will be a way out. One must meditate on the utter greatness of a God who cares and loves you. This understanding will ( this is based on my own experience) bring you through a rainy day.

The way I made it through the battles that I had to go through I just eventually had to let go and let God. What is interesting is that I am still letting go. Of my past and the simple task of letting go is a battle.
Thoughts of "maybe if I just" or " Man I should of" and " If only I" can tear apart the soul of any living being.

To conclude there are many people that are walking around this world but are not alive. There are people that get out of bed and focus on the negative in their life. One must fight in this pursuit for happiness in this world. What drives me and allows me to feel alive in the middle of my storm is the realisation that the battles that come my way are already being fought by a God that is all powerful and almighty.


August Rush - August's Rhapsody ( SoundTrack )

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Justin Aswell going crazy solo with Maschine

I'm on iTunes! +NEW BEAT & Impov Jam

Ben Tankard - How Great is Our God

Audrey Johnson interviews Ben Tankard Jr. the 2010 FDI $10,000 promotion...

The unification process

We have heard the dream from Martin Luther king regarding unity. You have heard visionaries trying their best for people to just spread the Philadelphia love. Phileo Meaning Brotherly love. The nature of a Divine unconditional agape love is missing in some cultures. The blatant ignorance that says that this color is the color and I will ignore all of the other colors of the spectrum. Sadly while you focus on your one color you miss the beautiful rainbow.

What is stopping us from functioning out of love instead of everybody hating. The ignorance and selfishness of Men that don't know what to do with their power? At the end of the day I say that once the world establishes that Love is the answer and not hate we can truly blend and forget our differences.

To many times have a heard even in Canada the frustration that young teenagers face with trying to learn the second language of our culture French. Numerous complaints from children saying that french is way to hard. Now take a look at the other side. Many French Canadians must have a hard time learning English and probably do what we anglophones do, make fun of things that we don't understand.

Finally this leads me to concluding point. Do not judge or ignore or get frustrated with concepts that you don't understand. You may not like a culture or custom but you can not force your opinion on somebody. A problem that Canada has is the sad history of how we came to be. The reality is that we came and took control of land that was already claimed. The men did not show love and respect for the culture but immediately forced a perspective or way of living unto a society that was already accustomed to doing something a certain way.

In conclusion squint your eyes tight and try and read this sentence again. OK now open your eyes and realise that what you to seconds ago did not make any sense because your eyes were closed. And remember we are all entitled to our own opinions.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

bucket list # 2

Produce a family member
Meet my top 10 celebrities
Produce 10 celeberties of class
Feed a village
Teach people how to be physically Fit
Learn every religion
Speak 3 different languages
Learn how to cook professionally
Become a professional dancer
Become a professional singer
Become a personal DJ

Why I worship The King of Love

People wonder why I get so excited for Christ. Why do I yell to somebody I do not see? Why do I jump around like I am crazy? Why do I give away my money to the church? Why do I sing to him and put all of my energy into glorifying his name. This is because that is what I was created to do and what I will be doing for ever. This is the reason of life, you are can be considered crazy, wise, stupid, a fool or what ever by man to believe that we were created for worship. But I have let go of the pride of life in order to commit myself to what my purpose on this earth is.

This is to worship Christ in the midst of my imperfection. I will let know one convince me other wise so I guess you can call me stubborn. But if you call me stubborn call me stubborn for Christ. If you cal me a rebel, I a rebel against the wrong mindset and motive, If you say that I am a hater yes I am a hater because I hate evil therefore I hate what God hates. I love everyone, but I Hate the evil even within my self. You can call me insane it doesn’t bother me they called my King a Blasphemer. So who is really crazy?

Listen I don't live for Him to worship the opinion of man. I do not live for Him scared of Hell. I do not live my Lord because I think I am perfect. I live for him because I love him. I glorify him because he loves me. I am his prodigal son and he calls back his lost sheep. He wants you to come back to him because he never wanted you to have to experience evil.

The King of Love gives us the choice to obey or disobey to submit or not. But by giving us choice and him being all knowing he knows that some choose evil. People are actually choosing to go to hell because they can't accept the fact that they have been created to worship God.

To be Holy?

  To be holy. Holiness is to be like the lord. To be holy means to be set apart. So I challenge my mind everyday to separate .

For lord if you don't like it... than it should not be a part of me and therefore should be separated. Which is why the WORD is like a two edged sword dividing the soul of a man. The word should be shifting emotions and dividing our “flesh” or in other words the evil things that we desire. We are tempted so that we prove our love to Christ and our devotion being like him.

To be holy is uncomfortable so if you are comfortably living in your life right now as a Christian than there is something wrong because we are aliens of this world. Meaning we think in ways and do things that just are not the usual and in fact we are mocked as foreigners for it. Why love a rapist or a gay person or a sex addict or a drug addict. Simply put, Christ does he even loved a man that he knew was going to betray him. Isn’t that word enough to focus more on the uncomfortable sacrifice that we have to make daily as Kingdome sons and daughters we must learn to be HOLY and acceptable to God.

Anyway God I would like to say that I love you and praise you and know that you will guide me and strengthen me in this process. In your heavenly name I pray. Amen

Where are my Men?

It is interesting understanding the true concept of a respectable man. Man must first identify the child like tendencies needed to be portrayed. The reality is that the man inside a boy is what truly attracts a woman. It is the innocence of a man with a amazing potential that a woman see’s in a man.
In the beginning God made man and man made a mistake.
The concept of man hood has been destroyed. Where are the real men these days? Where are the examples? The men that are not afraid to cry on his child and speaks words of life and not become jealous. What I find interesting about women is their ability to control a man.

Men are visual, They are stimulated by what they see and that is a general statement. What I am finding quite interesting is a woman’s response to a men truly being all that he can be. The funny thing is that a man thinks that he has to prove his manhood by over abusing his power on a woman. The female mind has been conditions to have a very ignorant mindset. The art of submission is on a different level of leadership. Hence when the Fruit was bitten Man had to take the hit Even if Eve bit it first.
It was the man’s job to enforce the law and the holiness. To insure that their bodies remain clean and righteous. What is interesting is a woman’s response to a virtuous Godly man. Now I am finding more and more that a man needs to prove himself. Again and again some  men shape their beliefs to please their woman. He pleases her understanding that she has a reason of being.

 God made her so Adam knew that he needed Eve. And so even though he bit the fruit at the end of the day he was like " if your going down and I need you, then I’m going down with you . " ( just my personal opinion. Or you can look at it from a different perspective maybe Adam was jealous and just wanted to be blatantly ignorant towards God's instruction.

So was is the right choice? Surely Men would be the more dominate race in fact that would mean that men logically did not bite from the tree and woman did. Therefore a woman would have to realise that a man is just waiting for the woman to understand her  And so while Adam was chewing he knew it was wrong and sin and falling and so
" I make woman fall in love with my potential"
" money doesn’t make make money"

The Wolf in Sheeps clothing

"Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"

I would first like to say that in my past I am guilty of, most times then not, sadly accidental and even purposely  being  wolf in sheep's clothing.

I find it interesting that your closest friends have the ability to be your biggest enemies when you are popular you really have to evaluate your friends because they are more  likely to betray you. You have to realise that even realising the reality that no matter what nobody is perfect. Especially the people that you love dearest, you still have to have the a strong relationship with Jesus Christ ad depend on his protection. I understand that when evaluating the life of Jesus he always knew that he was going to be betrayed by one the the disciples that he taught that he trusted and that he believed in but at the end of the day there was always the possibility of that wolf in sheep's clothing.

None of the disciples had a feeling that Judas was going to betray him. Jesus who was God, knew everything and understood that Judas being a man would easily fall into the trap of the enemy. He took the temporal money payment in place of the life of Jesus.  I realise that it took an insider one that Jesus trusted one would even consider Jesus and the dispels family to betray him in order for God's will to go forth. It was not God's intent that any innocent blood need to be shed because that would make him a bad God and an imperfect God. The devil made his choice to rebel, the lord being all knowing all ready gave humans the ability to be forgiven.  That is why many do not come to him because his intellect is so far greater than ours that it requires faith to trust him.

You see in identifying that even your closest friends can be Wolfe's in sheep's clothing you now have to have faith that they have been put in your life for a purpose and as long as your in line with what God 's wants people will hurt you betray you but at the end of the day how you respond to the Wolfe's bite is key.

What are you willing to Do?

As a young man I I have a varety of options to look at in my life. I have evaluated past mistakes and looked at failure. I have observed and studied the areas of my life that need to be improved so that I can capatalise on my dreams. my passion is what is going to drive me into my dreams. I value music and have all these Ideas in my mind but in order for me to execute these dreams I will have to sacrifcice.

 Sacrifice some friendship time.  i have begun toi reawlise the true amount of time that I will have to put into what I love so dearly. i would need to bring my focusses all geared towards making my dream a reality. My understadning of mmaking my dream a reality is making others dreams a reality. I've heard countless sgtories of how rich people who thought that money was the end found out that making the dreams of others a reality was uch more satisfying.

Hence my disision to focus on helping others reach their unlimited potential. I would much rather produce and direct young talent and change their lives in a positive mannor. You are only as strong as your weekest link. Also attitude reflects leadership. Tw huge quotes that when truly grasp can change the mentallity of many leaders and followers a like.

Got me Locked up

With every moment spent here my heart grows stronger,
My conscious says that this instance shouldn't last much longer,
My confidants lies in the hands of the prince,
The prince of Peace gives me a peace of mind that makes all anxiousness still,
The war in my mind is designed to either destroy me or make me a better man,

 I understand that all things work together for good in those that are called according to his plan,
so every time I fall I will stand but not stand for foolishness,
You've brought me to the realisation that I have a self destructive tolerance,
The stress of my parents mixed with blended nonsense,
My mind was bottling up my rage and frustration,
I needed a spiritual operation,
not just verbal communication but a true submission to the will of Christ,
You brought the true me to life,
as I've said my potential is like the fizz stored up in a pop bottle,
God's my Charley we are his angels coming full throttle,
their is no I in team but there is an I in pain,
The pain that I go through everyday having to sugar coat the name that is above every other name,
I will make His name famous above any other,
If that means tearing down an arrogant brother,
Or putting in place a childish mother,
I will do what he has called me to,
Some say the truth shall set me free,
I went back home and just spoke truth,
 But I wrestle not against flesh and blood,
but against powers and principalities,
That is why my Love is stronger than most,
because my love is unbreakable because I learn from the holy ghost,
So no matter the weapon formed against me I will always forgive,
no matter the judgement or how offensive,
I will always defend truth and the cross,
For I am just an employee,
Christ is my Boss,


Monday, November 15, 2010

Life as a slave

The thought of how Martin Luther king Jr’s speeches were pure, to change the insecure and sculpt the future of those who had a lot to endure. How Mr. King would show forth a new meaning through his dreaming,
to those that were bleeding while the white owners would be feeding, the slaves would shine their shoes for a greeting. Only pig remains they would be eating. He spoke for the bashed and the beated, the mistreated, and to the conceited he brought new understanding. Imagine the pressure in that, being a spokesman for those that are black. The way white people would attack and hose down, those living with lack and were bound, can you imagine the horrid sound of screeching people all around getting unappreciated, hated, degraded, forced to be migrated, because of their colour. News flash God said to love each other I didn’t read anything about favouring a shade or race, a brother or a special kind of face. God loves us all equally so I want to make a decree or a plea that Fletchers Meadows secondary will be free from racist consistencies. We are a multi cultural society, a union, a team a country.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


I violate, I move through your veins
I penetrate your brain say my name I’m violence.
If your a girl boy or any ethnic background
I attack you regardless I could care less,
all I need is a weak conscience to convince you to violent disobedience,
I change your life from an innocent baby to a convict,
I’ll Throw in some weed and lead you to anger
putting everyone around you in danger.
Anger, isn’t that how it starts, a relentless restless reckless frustrating confusion between your doubt conscience.
A generational blindness that shows that ignorance is the new kindness or,
how bad means good so it isn’t good to do what you should because you really shouldn’t,
So you will sit back and allow me to take the driver seat,
I’m in control my friend honestly you just pray on the weak,
fight fight fight!!!!!! Man I love when you chant my brothers name,
because the pressure increases like a car in the fast lane,
The pressures of your peers cloud your mind with fears,
They’ll think I’m weak, they won’t accept me,
everybody wants to see a fight except me,
I have to protect my rep so you can’t expect me to back down,
I’m the don, I’m a God, just call me blasphemy,
This punk stepped on my shoes so he needs a blast from me,
So I confuse and use men and women to abuse each other,
putting sister against sister brother against brother,
I spotted my next victim so I will end my message with this,
When you look into your eyes you’ll see me in disguise,
I hunger and thirst for screams and cry’s,
I live for revenge and hate those who forgive,
I will continually speak lies through your favorite rappers,
I use them to promote violence, put a beat with it and make it a toe tapper,
as you meditate and appreciate those who give you the wrong choice to make,
I laugh in your face because it leaves you an aftertaste of hidden disgrace and you honor your evil prince,
I have a high rank in this world, you can’t escape me my name is Sir violence.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Morgan Freeman the legend

Morgan Freeman

I must dig rather deep to find the words fit to describe such a marvelous actor. The intensity of his performance is thought provoking. Every nuance is noticeable but so casually done and in the moment. Staring in one of my favorite movies “Along came a spider” Morgan Freeman played the Role of a Profiler that did special cases that delta with Rape and perverse practices. What I have noticed a common element that Freeman brings is a soothing wise prostrate, strong character that has intellect along with understanding. Throughout the entire story the character Alex Cross had the ability to read people. What is interesting is that Freeman really broke through in his older age. Freeman does not play your typical “Black “role but brings a level of authenticity that is admiring and inspiring for young actors. I am blessed to absorb from the wealth of knowledge that he brings in an interview. He is overall well spoken and well seasoned in his professional making him great.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Iconnic actors

The legends, the men and woman of greatness, Iconic actors raise the bar for all young budding actors. They are the “gods” of their craft and have truly proven themselves to be the best actors ever seen. Among legends like Morgan freeman, I would like to place another man in this category. Denzel Washington is a man of standard that takes his craft very seriously. This man makes it a point to completely change his morals to fit the morals of a character. So you are no longer watching charming wise Denzel, but you are watching clod hard swearing killer Denzel in Training day.

Denzel plays a variety of soul touching roles and has been in well directed spiritually inspiring movies such as: Glory, Power, Malcolm X, and The hurricane, remember the titans, American gangster, Training Day, John Q, Antwan fisher, the great debaters and many more. This artist is not only limited to acting, but producing, and directing. Denzel puts on different hats for his audience and it brings you to a place of emotional satisfaction because you know that you’ve watched his soul on the screen.

Denzel has been nominated for countless awards and it hasn’t been easy. Denzel had to fight and preserver to become great. He was burdened with the responsibility to master his craft and then never stop pushing and pushing for his destiny. Denzel is a very intelligent man, he could have settled for something less for filling and less risk taking. Denzel knew what he wanted to do with his life and he is truly an Icon in my eyes.    

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My Branding experience

 Infinite productions

As a part of the men of infinite productions I will try my best not to place any bias in the words that I speak. There was some really stormy weather that we had to go through so it was really interesting seeing the end result. I believe that the men relied on their charm and their talents to truly highlight our name. Our job was to make sure that the audience understood who we are and how important it was for us to be there and be chosen. My song piece was amazing, I loved the audience participation. The crowd sat in awe from what I could tell just kept wondering what we have next. We slacked in the area of print media. Our newsletter was strong but not strong enough.  The energy that I felt from the crowd was quiet thrilling and motivating and I truly felt each individual connecting to our passion. There are seven guys against about 12 girls and I feel that this proved to be a battle for the ages. I was thrilled and honored to be a part of this company and hope that we did enough to convince the judges. We used our presentation as a spear to try and penetrate into the minds and hearts of the judges; but sadly we just missed.

I would have defiantly improved on was time management and work distribution. I also would have had more plan Bs and better organization when it was game day. We had no real rehearsals so we really depended on our skill and trusting each other.  We could have fine tuned certain things to look a lot more organized. For insistence, the video was great but there were some technical difficulties that went wrong and we tried to organize everything the night before the performance which was dreadful. Our decorations were very mediocre and we were blessed to be saved by the girls lending us some things to use for décor. I understand that it is very frustrating when you are under a lot of pressure to do things but there was so much going on that on the branding day that people were just getting on my nerves for foolishness. Case and point the more organized and structure you plan ahead for everything is the more smoothly everything will go.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

My bucket list

Get married and never divorce
Bring my grandmother to Canada
perform for a crowd of 50 000 inmportant people
Direct a movie
act in a movie
Preach in Africa
Write three books
retire my parents
Provide for my mother( Joan)
Create a freedome house for troubled youth ( David)
write a play
meet my favourite actor ( Derik luke)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The judges Response

I was so glad to know that the judges were happy with what we did. Seeing people from the previous cycles tell us how amazing we were and how we really rose the bar was refreshing and motivating. Seeing people like Wayne and Mrs. Clemons and Elicia go on about how professional we were and how we are more than students we are young professionals. Elicia especially was so passionate by our performance and breath taken by what we did it was so emotionally stimulating to feed from the energy that she was giving off. I felt that even if our name is not picked we set the bar going first and met the mark going above and beyond their expectations.  

The Girls of Soul visionary

The Girls produced brilliant Media and photos and was smart to add a marketing aspect knowing that marketer was coming. They added a T Shirt design which was pretty amazing. I loved the choral speaking piece and they fought through any struggles that they had. There fashion show was stellar and they paid attention to detail. I was especially blown away by their play bill and just their picture book. They were very respectable and very strong in there serving. I could tell that they had the desire to win.   

Intro to Branding

Wow, another branding finished this one is going in for the ages! The battle is Infinite Productions V.s Soul Visionary Productions.  Prior to the performance when we originally going to pick the groups and select it to be a mix of girls against guys. From my perspective the females insisted that they get another try at winning after we won two years in a row. I felt that we could not graduate without given them another shot, thus spark the Branding groups 7 boys against 12 girls.  It was the Spartans against the Persians in an epic battle of the Brands.

So You Think You Can Dance ( Method acting)

After hearing the exciting events that occurred during the So you think you can dance field trip I am enlightened and overall excited about method acting on a whole.  My brother Jordon V played a producer for one of our class mates Dillon S. The performance from what I heard was absolutely phenomenal.  When method acting, you’re no longer an actor. You no longer are thinking about lines you no longer are trying to debate whether or not you are acting the role well or not you need to get to a place where u take risks. During a performance you begin to take risks that are out of your character. People have to believe that you are the character and my class did a great job in doing so. For any actor I challenge you to go to an area and just play a role, ask a friend to record you secretly and watch the results and continue to perfect your crafts.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Essence of an Actor

Being an actor is truly a heroic task. One must take on the responsibility of mastering the art of acting. One must be in tune with his emotions and be able to creatively paint a picture of reality to the receiving audience. The sacrifice involved with becoming an actor is so huge.

You have to take some of the things that you go through and become a character. Actors use their God given talent to have a positive or negative change in this world. Actors are the voice to people starving and people going through struggle. We are the spiritual leaders that people look to for guidance through a storm. This is why I am tired of icons that don’t know how to lead people.

So my challenge to you is either a follower of the arts or one who is an actor, are you encouraged by out of control rappers that live lives that are wreck less because they have amazing sounds or talents? What will you do to allow your spirit to positively change the world?  

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Food For Thought

What is funny about the best is that it is the limit. When I want to get to the next level it seems impossible or unthinkable because my best is set mentally. In order for you to get your breakthrough your best breaks and becomes better. Jesus Christ is lord of my breakthrough. To him impossible is nothing. When I begin to think about how God is an impossible God. he is a God that proves to do the miraculous when need be. He has all authority and in believing and trusting in him you are now a royal subject. Even more you are a Son or daughter in Christ and ultimately the connection that your spirit has to the father allows the impossible to happen in your life.

Before I was born the doctors told y mom that it was impossible for me to be a real active baby. I was to be a vegetable. I was to eat food drinking forma straw. I was not to respond to people normal. My mother refused to hear the doctor because the doctor suggested just killing the baby. My mom said no I am going to give birth to this child. Thus the miracle baby was born. I would not be hear today without the miracle working God. I think that in my life God has done some impossible things to the point where the doctors say I shouldn’t even be in my right mind because of the things that I go through. Doctors would say that I should be suicidal but I am not. I have the joy of the lord and he takes the mess that I go through and uses it for his glory. I am honoured being a vessel for such a good God.

The key to living in my opinion is establishing a relationship with the father because once you connect to the spiritual realm positively, you start seeing life in a whole new way. You begin to let go of your desires to do evil. To conclude when I think about my life I feel that living for Christ is the only true heart filler or spirit filler and is the best gap filler for those who don’t have a father, mother or who need help. Everybody is looking for something to complete them, Why not connect to an eternal source rather than a temporal fix.