Finding me

Finding me
Worship should be an every day act, Living ou the Word of God

Friday, December 24, 2010

Destroying Pride

Secrets on the inside,
Secrets bruning beneath my handsome features,
Knowlegde of self that makes me want to cry,
Makes me want to run away and hide.
Mind set wondering if you can detect,
what it is that I am holding behind my eyes,
Something that if told to a parent,
There would be a meeting between a palm and backside,
because a parently parents sometimes see
the reality of a child's lies
And so one thing that I personaly have to do is swallow my pride,
Becuase lies only choke the life out of any natural thought cycle,
My inner psychy is bound to spiral,
My mind will be ignorant to the cup being half full,
Becuase pride makes any young man unstable.
That is why it's not I but God that is Able. 

Monday, December 13, 2010

My future

It's hard to sleep when you understand that you have the potential to provide beds for millions of sleepless children around the world. It's hard to eat when you start focusing on how many mouths you want to feed around Canada. It's hard to focus on one task,when there is just so many tasks that need to be accomplished. It's hard to hold unto a vision, when everyone around you thinks your are walking around with your eyes closed. It's hard to do anything that takes away from what your purpose in life is. What has been constantly racing through my mind is how fast life goes by. Just hte other day I was playing with cars and now I am looking ofr a vehicle that will drive me towards my destiny. Wheather I have to start by playing on the streets, I will spread the message that is on my heart. 

I was born into this world on a bad doctors message. As a child that is not supposed ot be hear I have a mandate. I am called to do great and wonderfull things in this world thorugh the talents that God has blessed me with. I have made piece with this in my heart because their are many who don't think that they have purpose. You have purpose and destiny you just have to grab a firm hold of it understanding God and you you are in him. I have found that in God I am royalty, I am blessed beyond mesure, I am beautifully and wonderfully made, I am a treasure that will shine throught eternaty I am a son in the body of Christ.

Am I a Genius ( intro )

" The definition of a genuis lies in the willingingness to release potential" Nathanial Matthews

I often ponder the genuises of yesterday. People like Albert Einstein and Martin luther King J.r followed even By Michael Jackson. I sit and I think about the fact that there were times were Mr. King espicially would probably have to argue with his friends about his dream. How he had to argue with his own race. Was his dream of equality worth all of the death?

See death in the natural can potetially kill any man's dream. When I physically see things deing in my life just becuase I am stubborn about what I belueve God is doing in my life it brings tears to my heart. I mean who am I to speak what I feel and tell everyone what is on my mind. The problem with my dreams and my analysis is that I am indeed a genuis.

Friday, December 10, 2010

My Semi- experience

" What is done is your choice, just make sure that you have  an understanding to why you are doing it"       Nathanial matthews

As an an all around artist I was curious to explore the hype put towards the school dance at FMSS. As a chritian I already kne that people were going to be scepticle of me even being there. The truth of the mattor was I was not their to partake in any of the dancing at all. I was observing. I was testing myslef as a young man of standered. As a Gentle man will I allow this music to distract me of my morals and my sanity. What was interesting was many were confused as to why I would be at the dance not dancing. I simply respond, " I choose not to."

I find that a lot of Christians just don't want any part of a dance because it is just not for them. This makes perfect sense because I was listen to the Dj's song selection and I heard only one pertaining to being blessed of which he played for around 15 seconds.

So there I was, right in the middle of it all. challenging this hole idea of music controlling me. What I began to realise is that when you set up a line for yourself and tell your slef not to cross it you must now become stuborn to yuor decision. Hence, people continuosly asked me to dance and have a gud time, well if I heard a song that maybe I knew or I could dance to I probably would throw down.

I think the greatest part of the night was singing to the audience a couple of simple words. " Where are my gentle men" and I just complimented a couple young woman int the croud. To conclude everything that I do is for the good of the lord that I serve. THe True King of Love and Glory and so I will not be moved despight my surroundings. Amen.    

Lean On Me

I lean on Christ. I can not only depend on something as inperfect as myslef.

Winans - The Question Is

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

School Time

What I begin to notice in the final stages of my high school carreer is the change of focus. I have definatly become much more focused on changing my view and perpective on scholastic events. The truth about school is that it is indeed a system. Like all systems, there willl be some flaus. The concept of teacher and student to parent and child.

A select few of teachers have an intence pressure to due what is necassary to mold a child. Evidently the contrast between a good teacher and a bad teacher is found in the relationship built to select students. Regretably this causes a melody of negative factors. A child is labeled a teacher's pet, when really the child just has a good relationship with his or her teacher.

To be continued